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Senior Tourism


Age can never be an insurmountable obstacle to your drive for adventure if your health parameters are alive and kicking! Senior tourism refers to visits by senior citizens to exquisite places for pleasure and to escape from the monotonous city grind. Senior citizens fall in the age group of 50 to 80 years beyond which perhaps the person will be physically too fragile to move though the spirit might bubble with enthusiasm. A major concern that impacts senior tourism are the health issues that surface as you approach senile decay. The brighter aspect of this niche tourism is you are free from family commitments as your children are all grown up and are on their feet. You have a whale of a time to spend as you are a retired person now and you have all the money you have saved from years of active employment. Senior tourism calls for the aid of trustworthy travel agents who would be a little more flexible and would put up with the grumbling senior tourist providing him with personalized service with a smiling face. The growing popularity of this niche tourism has been filling the coffers of the tourism industry past few years.