

Acupressure is an ancient healing art that is brought about by pressing specific points of the body with the hand, fingers, elbow, and other objects to stimulate the natural healing property of the body. The term is coined from the Latin word Acus means needle and is somewhat similar to the well-known Acupuncture.

Several medical studies have revealed that acupressure is effective in treating a wide range of disorders but some label this as a dubious practice with many practitioners taking to irrational techniques. Despite this, acupressure continues to maintain its popularity as a natural healing method in many countries.[i]


The evolution of acupressure is quite fascinating. It is considered to be as ancient as when human beings resorted to reflex actions in response to pains and aches. The credit goes to the Chinese who 5000 years back discovered that applying pressure on specific points reduced the pain of a remote area of the body located away from the point of application.

This discovery also has a historical background dating back to ancient Chinese dynasties when stones and arrows used to be the only weapons of battle. Soldiers who got injured by the arrow shots and stones were surprised to find that the diseases that haunted them for a long vanished completely.

The Chinese physicians did not accept the fact instantly. It took years of observation and data collection that finally helped them come out with unique healing techniques through acupressure. Their meticulous perseverance led to the discovery of many trigger points in the body that yielded satisfactory results while treating a range of ailments.

Today, acupressure holds a significant position in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is also being accepted by a significant population of the Western world.[ii]


The working principle of acupressure lies in clearing the energy channels of the body by applying pressure. As per Chinese medicine, life is a form of energy (Chi or Qi) that flows continuously through several invisible energy meridians (channels) located in the body. Any obstacle in the free energy flow or unbalance in the energy system results in ailments.

It is known that there are 12 major meridians running across our body and each of them is connected to a specific organ via the brain creating an organized communication system. The meridians rise from the fingertips, get connected to the brain finally connect to the specific organ. Pressure is applied on specific trigger points to unblock the energy flow, which ultimately provides relief to the sufferer.

It is believed that our body’s energy system is balanced by two opposing forces named as Yin (negative energy) and Yang (positive energy). Any imbalance in the energy system can also cause ailments. Acupressure helps in restoring the energy balance aiming complete well-being of mind, body, and soul.

The most significant part of acupressure treatment lies in the fact that the point of pressure application or the trigger point is located remotely from the organ or the body part to be treated.[iii]



Currently, therapists use different techniques of acupressure massage to heal the problem but there is no alteration in the trigger points discovered in the ancient period. The therapist may adopt different rhythms of pressure application or may use a combined application technique. The therapist may also apply stretching and acupressure massage if required.

The duration of pressure application on the trigger point may vary from a few seconds to a few minutes. An acupressure session normally lasts for an hour. A patient may need several sessions to get the desired result.

In an acupressure session, the patient is asked to lie down on a padded massage table with clothes on. It is recommended to wear loose-fitting light clothes while attending the session.

The therapist enquires about the patient’s current ailments and also the past medical history. The patient should be informed about the regularly consumed medications.

The therapist then starts applying gentle pressure on the trigger points based on the symptoms.

Different pressure techniques are applied of which Shiatsu is well known. Other techniques are listed as follows:

Firm pressure – This is the basic technique. Thumbs, palms, fingers, knuckles, and the side of the hand are used to apply stationary pressure which may last for a few minutes.

Brisk rubbing – The skin is rubbed lightly but briskly stimulating the blood and lymphatic circulation.

Slow motion kneading – Thumbs, fingers, and the heels of the hand are used in a kneading manner similar to kneading dough.

Quick tapping- Fingertips or the fist is applied in a tapping manner.[iv]



Acupressure is aimed at the overall well-being of the body. But those suffering from body stiffness, aches and pains, and inflammations can get fast relief with this treatment. This is also effective in treating nausea and vomiting.


Acupressure’s prime benefit is that it helps in faster healing and restores the overall wellness of the body and mind. Other benefits are:

·      Relieves pain quickly

·      Enhances libido

·      Helps in calming nerves

·      Reduces muscle stiffness

·      Helps in toning facial muscles

·      Improves body circulation

·      Reduces the necessity of medicines[v]








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