Human Resource Management Skills. In this course you will learn about Human Resource Planning Process, Recruiting Process and many more.
Everything you need to learn about Human Resource Policies
Everything you need to learn and understand about Interpersonal Skills.
Here we look at the skills you need to be an interviewer,when attempting to find the best possible candidate for a job.
Everything you need to about Kamasutra Positions to improve your Sexual Life. Kamasutra is more than sex.
Dr Prem shares the legend behind Khajuraho, its role of nature and environment on Khajuraho art and many more.
Understanding the meaning of goal setting by Dr Prem Jagyasi
Everything you need to learn and understand about Lean Leadership-Healthcare and Medical Tourism.
ross-cultural difference is something beyond language-barriers it is more related to the patient’s lifestyle.
Dr. Prem leverages medical and wellness in tourism, enhancing holistic travel experiences. Discover well-being through your journey.
A bullet course on Managing Conflicts
Dr. Prem's Guide to Marketing & Promoting Wellness Resorts, Retreats, and Hotels: Boost your wellness business with expert strategies.
Take control of your financial wellness with Dr. Prem's Masterclass, empowering you to achieve financial security and prosperity.
Master your intellectual wellness with Dr. Prem's Masterclass, sharpening critical thinking and lifelong learning for personal growth.
What makes an organization excellent? Master essential skills in this comprehensive course The Excellent Organization curated by Dr. Prem.
Unlock peak health with Dr Prem's Masterclass—delve into science-backed wellness strategies to energize & optimize your physical well-being
Learn about Medical Tourism Destinations including healthcare, medical tourism structure, facts and figures
Learn to run your Medical Tourism Facilitation business step by step with SOAP: A comprehensive guide by Dr. Prem.
What all it takes to become a medical tourism facilitator Learn Everything about Medical Tourism Facilitation Business.
Dive deep into Medical Tourism Journey Mapping. Understand patient stages, enhance experience, and masterfully craft effective journey maps.
Everything you need to know about Medical Tourism Marketing. In this course you will learn marketing strategies f
The course enriched with various case studies brings a lot of benefits for prospective medical travelers.
What planning to sort for the patients before entering the Medical Tourism
Everything you need to learn and understand about Medical Tourism Procedure.
Everything you Need to know about Medical Tourism | an Online Course by Dr Prem Jagyasi including History of Medical Tourism
Discover the keys to mental well-being with our course bursting myths, building emotional intelligence, and following best practices.
Mindfulness and its influence on your personal and professional life
In this course you will find short motivational stories which will really help you in your life.
Delve into 'Navigating Culture, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Corporate Wellness': a course for cultivating inclusive wellness,
Unlock your full potential! Join Dr. Prem's masterclass on Stress Mastery for Corporate Success – Empower your journey today!
Elevate your career and work-life balance with Dr. Prem's Masterclass on occupational wellness, fostering professional success and happiness.
A bullet course on Organizational behavior skills
A bullet course on Organizational Culture Skills
Dr Prem shares the appraisal discussion and the appraisal problems.
Master Personal Branding from basics to advanced strategies like digital footprint, building thought leadership, and apt crisis management.
Dr Prem shares the Reactive vs Proactive work and the obstacles to personal productivity
Everything you need to about Photography Tourism
Master the interplay of physical activity & ergonomics for workplace wellness. Learn evidence-based approaches to boost employee health & productivity
Dr Prem shares some techniques of Problem Solving in this course.
Everything you need to know about Praject management is explained by Dr Prem
How to deliver Professional and Powerful Speech and Presentation, learn from Dr Prem Jagyasi
Quality Management. In this course you will learn about QMS and the Business, its componenets
Religious tourism is an ancient phenomenon as old as the human civilization itself.
Everything you need to know about Responsible Tourism
Get to know more about Romantic tourism by Dr Prem Jagyasi
Everything you need to understand about Rural Tourism. Dr Prem shares best practices to be implemented in rural tourism.
Master the Sales and Leaseback Model for Wellness Real Estate with Dr. Prem: Optimize your wellness property investments.
The course will build your motivation and take you through an interesting journey.
Self-development cannot happen naturally without planning and progress monitoring.
Everything you need to know about Senior Tourism
Unlock the science of sleep & recovery with Dr. Prem. Elevate corporate wellness through evidence-based methods for restorative sleep & peak performance.
Enhance your social well-being with Dr. Prem's Masterclass, fostering meaningful connections and positive relationships for a fulfilling life
In this course you will learn and understand the term space tourism and its various aspect.
One Time Offer on Coaching & Courses Combo - Elevate Your Success with Dr Prem